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Wild Video Shows Celtics Fans Stomping On Kyrie Irving Blow-Up Doll

(Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)


The Boston Celtics beat the Dallas Mavericks in Game 1 of the NBA Finals on Thursday night but there were still some very intense, negative feelings among the Celtics fanbase after the final buzzer sounded.

A video shared on Twitter, via NBACentral, showed a group of loyal Celtics followers stomping on a blow-up doll that was decorated to look like Kyrie Irving.

While repeating a very NSFW chant, the fans expressed their extreme disdain for Irving, even though his team lost.

Celtics fans stomp out a Kyrie blow up doll 😳

(🎥 @2024Boston_ )

— NBACentral (@TheDunkCentral) June 7, 2024

It’s not surprising to see such a reaction to Irving in Boston.

As everyone knows, the star guard played for the Celtics for a couple of years but things didn’t end well between him and the team.

After departing from Boston, Irving made it clear that he didn’t get along with the team or the city and its fans.

He was later spotted rubbing the sole of his sneaker on the face of the mid-court mascot, Lucky.

That action only made Boston fans hate Irving more.

Now, years later, Irving has returned to Boston as an opponent, and lovers of the Celtics haven’t forgotten what he did in the past.

Irving wasn’t playing his best form of basketball on Thursday, scoring 12 points, 3 rebounds, and 2 assists and not adding enough to the box score or his team’s final score.

Will things change in Game 2?

As much as they dislike him, Boston fans know that Irving could be a big difference-maker in this series and could help his team pull out victories.

Perhaps this stunt with the blow-up doll will be seen by Irving and it’ll fire him up and get him motivated for Game 2 and beyond.

The post Wild Video Shows Celtics Fans Stomping On Kyrie Irving Blow-Up Doll appeared first on The Cold Wire.

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